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A History of the Medieval Church: 590-1500; Margar Deanesly
A History of Western Philosophy: The Medieval Mind, Vol. II; W. Jones & Robert J. Fogelin.
A Mission Record of the California Indians; A. L. Kroeber; UCPAAE, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-27, 1908.
A Saboba Origin Myth; George Wharton James; JAFL, Vol. XIX, No. 72, pp.36-39, 1902.
Abdu’l-Bahá – Divine Philosophy, Abdul\’l-Baha; Boston, Tudor Press; 1918.
Aborigines of Western Australia, The; Albert F. Calvert; London, 1894; out-of-print. (See Sacred Texts archive).
African Traditional Religion; Chidi Denis Isizoh; website.
Age of Reason Begins, The; Will Durant and Ariel Durant; Simon & Schuster, NY, 1961.
Age of Faith, The Story of Civilization, Vol.4; Will Durant.
Age of the Monarchies: Culture and Society; Sage Publications.
American in Turkey, Volume I; Keith A. Lehman; Izmir 1987 [Out of Print].
American in Turkey, Volume II - Ephesus; Keith A. Lehman; Izmir, 1988 [Out of Print].
Amo, Amas, Amat, and More: How To Use Latin; Eugene Ehrlich; Harper & Row, NY/London, 1985; Introduction by William F. Buckley, Jr.
An Archaeological Companion to the Bible; Henry Thomas Frank; Student Christian Movement Press, London, 1976.
An Interlude to Islamic Law; Joseph Schaclot; Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1982.
An Archaeological Companion to the Bible; Henry Thomas Frank; Student Christian Movement Press, London, 1976.
An Interlude to Islamic Law; Joseph Schaclot; Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1982.
Ancient Celts, The; Barry Cunliffe; Oxford University Press, 1997.
Ancient Forms of Pagan Worship; Abdullah Yusuf Ali; Cairo, 1946 (Notations in commentary, The Holy Qur'an, pp. 1619-1623, Cairo 1934 edition).
Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament; J.B. Pritchard; Princeton University Press, 1955.
Archaeology in the Land of the Bible: 10,000 to 586 BCE; Amihai Mazar; Schocken Books, New York, 1977.
Archaeology in the Land of the Bible: The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods (732-332 B.C.E.); Ephraim Stem.
Archaeology in the Land of the Bible, Vol. 2; Ephraim Stem.
Archaeology of the Bible: Book by Book; G. Cornfeld; Harper and Row, New York, 1976.
Atlantis Motherland; Flying Eagle and Whispering Wind.
Basque Legends; Wentworth Webster; London, 1879.
Before the Bible; Cyrus Gordon.
Bible, The Koran, and the Talmud, The; Dr. G. Weil, translated from German; NY, 1863.
Biblical Antiquities of Philo, The; translated by M.R. James; London, 1917.
Biblical Archaeology Proves That Bible is Historic, Daniel Pipes website, commentary.
Biblical Archaeologist Reader, The; Vol. 2; D. N. Freedman; American Schools of Oriental Research
Biblical History in Transition; G.E. Mendenhall.
Book of Arda Viraf, The; Translated by Prof. Martin Hauigi; University of Munich, 1917.
Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel, The; Ralph Roys; 1930.
Book of Enoch, The; translated by R, H. Charles; London Society, 1917; Sacret Text e-book. Author’s Note: From the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, translated by R. H. Charles. Once this book was considered scripture and contains many phrases and concepts used by Jesus. Over one hundred phrases in the New Testament are found in this ancient text. Many Aramaic fragments of Enoch have been recovered from the Qumran caves (Dead Sea Scrolls), showing how important Enoch was to the Essene Christian community.
Book of Folk Lore, A; Sabine Baring-Gould; Collin Press, London, 1913.
Book of the Hopi; Frank Waters; 1963.
Book of Mormon, The; Church of Latter-day Saints; Salt Lake City, Utah, 1986; e-book.
Book of Saints and Wonders, The; Lady Gregory; Dundrum, Ireland, 1906.
Book of the Navaho, The; Raymond F. Locke; Mankind Pubs, L.A., CA., 1989.
Book of The People: Popol Vulh; translated by Delia Goetz and Sylvanus Griswold Morley; Plantin Press, L.A., Calif., 1954.
Book of Wisdom; Nazarene Ways of Essenic Studies, 1995. Author’s Note: The Book of Wisdom is one of the books of the Apocrypha, found in the Septuagint and Vulgate Bibles, as well as in the Old Testament. It is a 1st century BC Greek work that originated in Alexandria, Egypt. The work explains early Nazorite and Essene understandings of the feminine principle of God at work in the Hebrew tradition throughout its early history.
Buddha and the Christ; Leo D. Lefebure
Buddha, The Gospel; Paul Carus; Chicago, Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago, 1894; also an E-Book, original date: 500 BC.
Buddhist Bible, The; Dwight Goddard; Thetford, Vermont, 1932.
Buddhist Mahayana Texts – Sacred Books of the East, vol. 49; Clarendon Press, 1883; Sacred Text Archive.
Buddhist Suttas – Sacred Books of the East, vol. 11; Oxford, 1881; reprinted by Carl Muller, 2001.
Bullfinch's Mythology; Thomas Bullfinch.
Byzantine Empire, The; Charles W.C. Olan; London, 1892.
Caesar and Christ; Will Durant.
Celtic Folklore; Welsh and Manx; John Rhys; Oxford Clarendon Press, 1901.
Celtic Myth and Legend; Charles Squire; London, 1905.
Celtic Twilight, The; William Butler Yeats; London, 1893 & 1902.
Celts, The; Frank Delaney; Little, Brown & Co. Toronto, 1986.
Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster, The; W. Wynn Westcott; Theosophical Pub. Society, London, 1865.
Chariot of the Gods; Erich Von Daniken; Souvenir Press.
Children of the Sun; Adolf & Beverly Hungry Wolf; Wm. Morrow Co., NY, 1987.
Chinook Texts; Frank Boas; H.S. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin no. 20; USGPO, 1894.
Christ in Islam; Rev. James Robson, M.A., Glasgow University, London, 2001, translated and transcribed from The Muslim Jesus by Tarif Khalidi. Author’s Note: This is a collection of traditional sayings and stories about Jesus from Islamic literature. Islam has always considered Jesus to be one of the great prophets, second to Mohammed. It is an excellent source for scholars who are interested in comparative religion or anyone who wishes to see another view of Jesus.
Christian Mythology; Mitchell Logan.
Christology Course, Chapter Two, The World of Jesus Time; Dr. Gerald Hall; School of Theology; Australian Catholic University; Brisbane, Australia.
Christology Course, Chapter Two, The World of Jesus Time; Dr. Gerald Hall; School of Theology; Australian Catholic University; Brisbane, Australia.
City of God, The; St. Augustine; London, 1954; e-text.
Compendium Malleus Maleficarum (1486) e-text; translated by Montagne Summers (1928); Dover Pubs, NY, 1988.
Confessio; Saint Patrick; Corpus Electronic Texts; E-book; translation by Whitley Stokes, London, 1887.
Common People of Ancient Rome, The; Frank F. Abott; E-Text #13226, 2004.
Common Sense Atheism - Internet website.
Conflict Between Paganism and Christianity, The; A.H.M. Jones; Oxford, 1963.
Conflict Between Paganism and Christianity, The; A.H.M. Jones; Oxford, 1963.
Constitution of the Monarchy in Israel, The; Baruch Halpern; Chico Scholars, CA, 1981.
Comas Indicopleustes; Egyptian Monk, translated by J.W. McCeindle; Hakluty Society, London, 1897; E-text.
Creation Myths of Primitive America; Jeremiah Curtin; Boston, 1898; Sacred Texts.
Crusades, The: The World’s Debate; Hilaire Belloc, 1937; republished by Tan Books, 1992.
Daemologie; King James the First; edited by G.B. Harrison; John Lane Pubs, London, 1924.
Dawn of the World, The: Miwok Indians of California; C. Hart Merriam; Cleveland, 1910.
De Canonicis Scripturis libellus; E. Wittenberg; Germany, 1520.
Dead Sea Scrolls, The; Gnostic Library, 1986, Author’s Note: The Dead Sea scrolls are a collection of about 850 documents, including texts from the Hebrew Bible, which have been discovered between 1947 and 1956 at eleven caves near Qumran, a fortress northwest of the Dead Sea in Israel, in the historical period of Judea. They were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, between the 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD. The texts are important because they are the only Jewish Biblical documents from that period of time, and because they contain information political and religious information.
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; E. Gibbon; London, 1900; E-book, vol. 1; Gutenburg Library; Volumes 1-6 download (9mb).
Decline and Fall of Eastern Christianity Under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude; Bat Yéor; Farleigh Dickinson at University Press.
Deuteronomistic History; B.O. Long; JBL, 1983.
Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt; James Henry Breasted; 1912.
Dhimmi, The: Jews and Christians Under Islam; Bat Yéor; David Maisel, 1985.
Dictionary of Archaeology; Warwick Bray & David Trump; Penguin Books, 1970
Dictionary of Symbols, A; J.E. Cirlot; Routledge & KeganPaul; London, 1962. (translation from Spanish – Diccionario De Simbols Tradicionales
Dynamic Thought; Henry T. Hamblin; Yogi Pub. Society, NY, 1923.
Early Christian and Byzantine Political Philosophy; F. Dvovnik; Washington, 1966.
Early Christian Conception of Christ, Volume X; Otto Pfleiderer; University of Berlin; Crown Theological Library, 1903.
Eastern Religions: Origins, Beliefs, Practices, Holy Texts, Sacred Texts; Michael David Coogan and Vashuda Narayanan.
Eerdmans' Handbook to the World's Religions; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; 1982.
Egyptian Book of the Dead, The; (Papyrus of Ani); A. Wallis Budge, London, 1895.
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Grammer; Gardner Wikinson.
Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity; Samuel Sharpe; Smith, London, 1863.
Encyclopedia of Witchcraft & Demonology; Rossell Hope Robbins; Bonanza Books, NY, 1959.
English Church in the 18th Century, The; Charles J. Abbey; E-Text #16791, 2005.
Ephesus; Erdengil Selahattin.
Epic of Galgamesh; Ancient Texts Library.
Eskimo Folk Tales; Knud Rasmussen, translated by W. Worster; London, 1921.
Evolution of the Idea of God; Grant Allen.
Eskimo of Siberia, The; Waldemar Bogoras; NY, 1913.
Essay on Dream; Thomas Paine; London, 1811.
Essene Gospels of Peace, The; Original Hebrew and Aramaic texts translated and edited by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely; Nazarene Way of Essenic Studies, C.W. Daniel, 2004;Author’s Note: These sacred scrolls were recovered from the secret archives of the Vatican.
European Mythology; Jacqueline Simpson; Hamlyn, Middlesex, 1987.
Evil Eye, The; Frederick T. Elworthy; J. Murray, London, 1895.
Evolution of Culture; J. Lippert, (Out of Print).
Evolution of the Idea of God; Grant Allen, Book Tree, 2000.
Examination of the Prophecies; Thomas Paine; NY, 1807.
Fetichism in West Africa; Rev. Robert Hamil Nassau; 1904.
First Eden, The; David Attenborough; Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1987.
First Historians, The; Baruch Halpern; Harper & Row, 1988.
Five Stages of Greek Religion; Gilbert Murray; 1925; Classic Text
Flavius Josephus; Project Gutenberg.
Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria; Robert Hamil Nassau; 1904.
Forest Dwellers, The; Stella Brewer; London, 1978.
Forgotten Books of Eden, The; Rutherford Hayes; Apocryphal Books translated in 1927, World Pub. Co., Cleveland, Ohio; Reprint, Crown Publishers, Inc, 1980.
Four Ancient Books of Wales, The; William F. Skene; Edinburgh, 1868.
Franciscans in Colonial Latin America; John Frederick Schwaller; Vol. 61, No.4, 2005, pp. 565-570.
From Egypt to Egypt; R.E. Friedman; London, 1947.
Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times; Rivanden Brock & Wouter J. Hanegraaff; 1998.
Gods of the Egyptian, The, Vol. 1; E. A. Wallis Budge; Dover Publications, 1969.
Gods of the Egyptian, The, Vol. 2; E. A. Wallis Budge; Dover Publications, 1969; Sacred Texts.
Gospel of the Holy Twelve, The; translated from the original Aramaic by Rev. Gideon Jasper Richard Ouseley M.A.; Nazarene Way of Essenic Studies, Mokelumne Hill, 1996; Author’s Note: The most ancient and complete early Christian text fragment that was written in Aramaic and includes the complete life and teachings of Jesus. The lections[1] of this ancient Gospel presented a higher moral and spiritual understanding than has been passed down through the canonized, authorized, Scriptures of the New Testament.
Gospel of Thomas, The; Original author: Didymos Judas Thomas, translated by The Nazarene Way of Essenic Studies scholars, late 19th century. Author’s Note: The Gospels of the “authorized” New Testament were compiled many years after the death of Christ, and none of its authors had ever met him, nor could their writings be based upon an eyewitness account. Yet the words of Jesus survived, most of them being transcribed from a common source that had been familiar to the early Christians before the early Christian Church canonized and then destroyed the originals. It was originally assumed that Matthew and Luke were inspired by the writings of Mark, which is the oldest and the first of the four Gospels. But scholars discovered patterns in the Bible that meant there was an earlier source by which all Gospels had been used for its compilation. This “unknown” source would later be called the Gospel of “Q” from the German word “Quelle” that means “source.” In the late 19th century, several fragments of a Greek Version of the Gospel of Thomas were discovered among the Oxyrhynchys Papyri. See Greek Gospel of Thomas below.
Gospel of Q, The; Nazarene Way of Essenic Studies, California, 1996. Author’s Note: The “Q” document, also called the Q Gospel, or the Sayings Gospel Q, is the synoptic or source in the 19th century Logia that is composed of hypothetical collections of Jesus’ sayings with the main source being the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The symbol Q comes from the first letter of the German word for source – Quelle. The Gospel of Mark provides one source and the “Q” the other. The existence of Q is from the argument that Matthew and Luke share material that does not appear in the Gospel of Mark. It is basically a document of argument concerning those differences.
Greek Gospel of Thomas, The; Greek version of Didymos Judas Thomas’ texts from Aramaic; translated by The Nazarene Way of Essenic Studies scholars from the Oxyrhynchys Papyri. Author’s Note: Only fragments of this Greek version of the Gospel of Thomas were found among the Oxyrhynchys Papyri in the late 19th century. These fragments consist of the preamble, and sayings 1-6, 26-28, 30-32, 36-38, and 39, as well as a saying not found in the Coptic version, which follows 32. These fragments are found on Oxyrhynchys Papyri 1, 654, and 655. Most of the sayings are basically the same in both versions; however, the saying of 30 adds to the end of the Coptic version saying 77. The translation used in this Greek version is combinations of translations by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt and Bentley Layton.
Handbook of Inca Mythology; Paul Richard Steel and Catherine J. Allen; 2004.
Handbook of the North American Indians, Volume 13; Raymond DeMallie.
Hatred’s Kingdom; Dore Gold; Washington, DC 2003.
Hausa Folklore; Maalam Shaihu, translated by Andrew Lang; 1915.
Heart and the Fountain, The; Joseph Dan; 2003.
Hebraic Literature: Translations from the Talmud; Maurice Henry Harris; 1901.
History of Byzantine Empire; A. Vasiliev; Madison, Wisconsin, 1929.
History of the Church; Eusebius, Translated by A. Harnack; Penguin; London, 1965.
History of the Church; Eusebius, Translated by A. Harnack; Penguin; London, 1965.
History of Israel; H. Kostes; Leyden, 1893; Out-Of-Print.
History of Education in the Ancient World; H.I. Marrou; London, 1956.
History of Education in the Ancient World; H.I. Marrou; London, 1956.
History of the Israelite Faith; Y. Kaufman; Kirgoth-Sepher, Jerusalem, 1950; Out-Of-Print.
History of Jews; H. Graetz; Philadelphia, 1819.
History of Latin Christianity; H. Milman; NY, 1860.
History of the Life & Travels of Rabban Sawma – Envoy & Plenipotentiary of the Mongol Khan to the Kings of Europe; historical documents.
History of Persia; Sir P. Sykes; London, 1911 (2 vol.)
History of Philosophy; F. Ueberweg; NY, 1871.
History of the Devil and The Idea of Evil from the Earliest Times to the Present Day; Paul Carus; Open Court, Chicago, 1900; Amazon reprint.
History of Wicca in England; Loki Society, Al Billings; London, 1939.
History of Zoroastrianism; Dhalla; School of Religious Doctrines; 1938.
Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version, Hertel Bible Publishers, 1971.
Holy Piby; Robert Athyl Rogers; 1924-1928.
Holy Qur'an, The; translated to English by Abdullah Yusef Ali; printed in both Arabic and English, with English footnotes; Cairo, 1938.
How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization; Thomas E. Woods, Jr.; Washington, DC, 2005.
How Spanish Conquistadors Changed Central America; W.D. Atkins (Out of Print).
Hupa Texts; Pliny Earle Goddard; UCPAAE, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1904.
I Ching, The Book of Changes; translated by James Legge; Oxford, 1882.
Index to The New Testament in Ancient Greek; Westcott-Hort text from 1881, republished and combined by The Nazarene Way of Essenic Studies, 1998; introduction, preparation and editing by M. A. Robinson, Ph.D. Author’s Note: The index contains the complete 1881 Westcott-Hort edition of the New Testament in Ancient Greek.
Indian Dances of North America; George Catling and Frances Densmore.
Inquisition, The; H. Nickerson; Boston, 1923.
In His Own Image; D.M. Rorvik; London, 1979.
In Search of History; J. van Seters; Yale University, 1983.
Indians of North America; Geoffrey Turner; Blandford Press, Dorset, 1979.
Iroquois Book of Rites, The; Horatio E. Hale; Philadelphia, 1883.
Isis Unveiled; H. P. Blavatsky; London, 1887.
Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide; Bat Yéor; University Press, 2001.
Jaina Sutras, Part 1; translated from Prakit (22 volumes) by Hermann Jacobi; London, 1884 (Sacred Books of the East, vol. 22).
Jaina Sutras, Part 2; translated from Prakit (22 volumes) by Hermann Jacobi; London, 1884 (Sacred Books of the East, vol. 22).
Jamaica Anansi Stories; Martha Warren Backwith; 1924.
Jasuae imperatouris historia illustrata atque explicata; Andreas Masius; 1574.
Jew in the Medieval World, The; Jacob Marcus; JPS, NY, 1938.
Jewish State, The; Theofor Herzi; E-book, 1896
Jihad in the West: Muslim Conquests from the 7th to the 21st Centuries; Paul Fregosi; New York, 1998.
Kabbalah: A Very Short Introduction; Joseph Dan; 2006.
Kaffir (Xnosa) Folk Tales; Georg McCall Theal; 1886.
Lakota Sevenm Sacred Rites; Sleeping Crow; website.
Lama Umapa, Drupchen Pawo Dorje; EBook, Asian Classics, 1390.
Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions; John Fire, Richard Erdoes, John Lame Deer.
LaRousse Encyclopedia of Mythology; Robert Graves.
Last of the Vodoos; Lafcadio Herarn, New Orleans; 1885.
Legends of Genesis, The; Hermann Gunkel, translated by W. H. Carruth; Open Court, Chicago, 1901.
Legends of the Gods: The Egyptian Texts; E.A. Wallis Budge; Kegan Paul, London, 1912.
Letters from Earth; Mark Twain; (1909); Penguin Books, 1973.
Leviathan; Thomas Hobbes; 1651.
Life of Mohammed; Sir W. Muir; Edinburgh, 1912.
Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Piasul Allah; A. Guillaume; Oxford University Press; LPJ Article.
Literary Approach to the Bible; R. Alter; 1925.
Literature of the Ancient Egyptians; Wallis Budge.
Little Known Facts about the Amish & the Mennonites; Ammon Monroe Aurand; e-text, 1938.
Lore and the Lure of the Yosemite; Herbert Earl Wilson; 1922.
Lost Books of the Bible, The; translated from original texts by Archbishop M. R. James, Apocryphal tests in 1820; originally published by World Pub. Co., Cleveland, 1926; reprinted by Bell, 1979.
Manetho: A Study of the Chronology of Dynastic Egypt; Gary Greenberg, University of Bristol, Barnes & Noble.
Manual of Zen Buddhism; Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki; Harper Bros, NY 1935.
Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings; Charles Hopgood.
Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church; W.H.C. Frend; Oxford, 1965.
Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church; W.H.C. Frend; Oxford, 1965.
Maya Hieroglyphic Writing (Excerpts); J. Eric Thompson; 1950.
Maya: The Riddle: Rediscovery of a Lost Civilization; Charles Gallenkamp; Viking, NY, 1981.
Mission and Expansion of Christianity, The; A. Harnack; London, 1904; revised 1908.
Mission and Expansion of Christianity, The; A. Harnack; London, 1904; revised 1908.
Mission Memories; John Steven McGroarty; 1929.
Miwok Myths; Edward Winslow Gifford; UCPAAE, Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 283 to 338, 1917.
Monks of Kublai Khan, Emperor of China; Translated by Sir E. A. Wallis Budge; London, 1928.
Monk’s Rules; Columbanus Hibernus; Compiled by Beatrix Färber; Cork University, Ireland; E-Book.
Mystical Life of Jesus, The; Sylvia Browner.
Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist; Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki; Harper Bros, NY, 1957.
Mythology of the Mission Indians; Constance Goddard DuBois; JAFL, Vol. XVII, No. 66, pp. 52-60 and 73, 1906.
Myths of the Cherokee; James Mooney; 1900.
Myths and Legends of the Bantu; Alice Werner; 1933.
Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest; Katherine Berry Judson; 1912; Project Gutenberg #2503.
Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race; Thomas Rolleston; London, 1911.
Nag Hammadi Library, The; Translated and introduced by Members of the Coptic Gnostic Library Project of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, Claremont, California, revised by Richard Smith and James M. Robinson, Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1988; Author’s Note: A collection of thirteen ancient codices[2] that contains over fifty texts. Discovered in Upper Egypt in 1945, this important discovery includes a large number of Gnostic scriptures, texts that was thought to have been destroyed during the early Christian struggle of the Church in its efforts to define “orthodoxy.”
Native Encounter with Christianity: Franciscans and Nabuas in Sixteenth Century Mexico; Francisco Morales; Vo. 65, No. 2, pp. 137-159, 2008.
New Concise History of the Crusades; Thomas F. Madden; Lanhem, Maryland, 2005.
New Orleans Superstitions; Lafadio Hearn, New Orleans; 1886.
Newes From Scotland, A Treatise; King James the First; Edenbrough, 1591; Sacred Texts.
Newly Discovered Tablets Shed Light on Biblical Era; Archaeology Magazine article, October 1976, page 271.
Old North Trail: Legends & Religion of the Blackfeet Indians; Walter McClintock & Sidney J. Larsen.
Old Testament Parallels; Victor & Benjamin Matthews; Paulist Press, NY; 1991.
On the Nature of Things; Lucretius.
On The Study of Celtic Literature; Matthew Arnold; London, 1867.
Original Sources of the Qur'an; W. Tisdall; London, 1943.
Orpheus, F. Ratzel.
Pagans and Christians; Robin Lane Fox; Knopf, Inc., NY, 1987.
Piérerers Konversations – Lexikon, Volume 3; Berlin, 1889; Out-of-Print.
Pistis Sophia; translated by G.R.S. Mead; Watkins, London, 1921.
Pagans of the Messiah: The Troubled Birth of the Jewish State; Martin Sicker; 2000.
Pazand Book of Jamaspi; e-book.
Philosophy of Mormonism; James E. Talmage; Salt Lake City, 1914.
Philosophy of the Upanishads, The; Srivivasa Chari, NY, 1997.
Political Aspects of St. Augustine’s ‘City of God’; John N. Figgis; NY & London, 1921.
Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades); Robert Spencer; Regnery, Washington, DC, 2005.
Political and Social History of Judea Under Roman Rule, The; J.B. Pritchard; Harvard University Press, 1976; Out-of-Print.
Pomo Bear Doctors; S.B. Barrett; UCPAAE, Vo. 12, No.11, pp. 443-465, 1917.
Popes and Science, The; J.J. Walsh; NY, 1913.
Popul Vuh, The; Lewis Spence; London, 1908.
Preserving the Sacred: Historical Perspective on the Objibwa Midewiwin; Michael Angel, Winnipeg.
Psychic Phenomena of Jamaica; Joseph J. Williams; 1934.
Psychology of the Unconscious, C. G. Jung, translated from German, Bolingen, 2001.
Rastatarian Text: Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy; Fita Balintine Pettersburg; 1926.
Red Man’s Continent, The; Ellsworth Huntington; Yale University, 1920; Note: Portion of the book and Huntington's views are racially influenced, according to the society during the period the book was written.
Religion and Myth; James McDonald; 1883.
Religion in Ancient Egypt; Bryon E. Shafer; Cornell University Press, 1991.
Religion of the Indians of California; A.L. Kroeber; UCPAAE, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 319-356, 1907.
Religion of the Luiseño Indians of Southern California; Constance Goddard Du Bois; UCPAAE, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 69-186, 1908.
Religions of Mankind, Hans-Joachim Schoeps.
Religion of the Samurai; Kaiten Nukariya; 1913.
Religion of the Ancient Celts; J.A. MacCulloch; Edinburgh, 1911.
Religion of the Ancient Celts, The; Sacred Texts Archive.
Religions of Mankind; Friedrich Heiler.
Religious Ceremonies & Customs of the Parsees; J.J. Modi; Bombay, 1932.
Religious Systems of the Amazulu; Henry Callaway; 1870.
Rig Veda Americanus (Aztec Hymns); Daniel G. Brinton; Brinton's Library of Aboriginal Literature, Number VIII; Philadelphia, 1890.
Rise of Nestorians to Persecution & Destruction of Christianity in Central Asia; Sawma, Emissary of Arghun of Mongolia for Support of European Kings against Muslim Invasion; historical letters.
Sacred Books of China: The Text of Confucianism, The; translated by James Legge; Oxford, 1885.
Sacred Formulas of the Cherokee; James Mooney; 1891.
Sacred History and Theology: The Redaction Torah; R.E. Friedman; London, 1952; Out-of-Print.
Sacred Pipe: Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux; Joseph Epes Brown.
Secret Doctrine, The; H.P. Blavatsky; London, 1888; Out-of-Print.
Secret Symbols of Mu, The; James Churchward; NY, 1933.
Sectionalism and the Schism; Baruch Halpern; JBL, 1974.
Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation; Areyah Kalplan.
Signs of the Gods; Erich Von Daniken; Souvenir Press, 1980.
Sirius Mystery, The; Robert K.G. Temple; London, 1976.
Soldier and Civilian in the Later Roman Empire; R. MacMullen; Harvard University, 1963.
Soldier and Civilian in the Later Roman Empire; R. MacMullen; Harvard University, 1963.
Solomon and the Beginnings of Wisdom in Israel; R.B.Y. Scott; Leiden, Netherlands, 1955.
Sophia of Jesus Christ, The; translated by Douglas M. Parott, The Nazarene Way of Essenic Studies, 1998.
South African Folk Tales; James A. Honey; 1910.
Space Gods Revealed, The; Ronald Story.
Specimens of Bushman Folklore; W.H.I. Bleck and L.C. Loyd; 1911.
Story of Civilization, The, 11 Volumes; Will Durant, MJF, 1993.
Story of Mormonism, The; James E. Talmage; Salt Lake City, Utah, 1914.
Studies in Biblical and Cuneiform Literature; H. Tadmor; Jerusalem, 1983.
Sun Dance and Other Ceremonies of the Ogallala; J.R. Walker; American Museum of Natural History, 1917; Out-of-Print.
Tales of North American Indians; Stith Thompson; NY, 1929.
Talmudic Anthology; Louis Israel Newman; 1945.
Textbook of Theosophy, A; C. W. Leadbeater; Theosophical Pub., India, 1912.
Thucydides and Herodotus; Perseus.
Tibetan Folk Tales; A. L. Shelton; St. Louis, MO, 1925.
Timetables of History, The; Bernard Grun, based upon Werner Stein’s Kulturfahrplan; Simon & Schuster, NY/London, 1975.
Traditional Objibwa Religion and Its Historical Changes; Christopher Veesay; 1983.
Traditions of Islam; A. Guillaume; Oxford, 1924.
Treatise on Jainism, A; Shri Jayatila S. Sanghvi; Bombay, 1973.
Ten Virtues of Monks; Pravin K. Shah; Jain Study Center, N.C., 1993.
Traditions of the Hopi; H.R. Voth; Field Columbian Museum Anthropological Publication, Vol. VIII, 1905.
Truth of a Hopi; Edmund Nequatewa; 1936.
Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism; E. A. Willis Budge; Dodd Mead Co., NY, 1923.
Understanding Jewish History; Sol Scharfstein; 1997.
Unearthing Biblical ‘Proof’; Richard F. Dempelwolff; article, Science Digest, December 1978, pages 75-79.
Vinya Texts; translated from Pali by T.W. Rys Davids and Herman Oldenberg; Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1885.
Vita Merlini Latin, The; Geoffrey of Monmouth, Bishop of St. Asaph, translated by John Jay Parry; University of Illinois, 1925.
What is Man?; Essay by Mark Twain; Samuel Longhorne Clemens, 1835-1910; e-text.
Wisdom of Israel, The; Lewis Browne; NY, 1945.
Wisdom of the Egyptians, The; Brian Brown; Brentano, NY, 1923.
Wisdom of Rastafari; Hallie Selassie.
With The Turks in Palestine; Alexander Aaronsohn; EBook #103338, 2003.
Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People; D. Armaury Talbot; 1915.
Wonderful Ethipians of the Ancient Cushite Empire; Drusilla Dunjer Houston; 1927.
Works of Josephus, The; Complete and Unabridged, translated by William Whiston; Hendrickson Publishers; Peabody, MA, 1987 – ISBN 0913573868.
Yana Texts; Edward Sapir; University of California, 1910.
Zoroaster and His World; Ernst Herzfeld; Octagon Books, 1974.
Zoroaster, The Prophet of Ancient Iran; A.V.W. Jackson; AMS Press, 1965.
Zoroastrianism; John Waterhause; Bibliotheca Persica Press; 1980.
Zuni Religion; Ruth Bunzel; Bureau of American Ethnology, 47th Annual Report, USGPO, 1930.
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Phenomenology of Religions, its chapters, annexes and appendices are protected under US and international copyright laws - please respect that. Linked/Sourced excerpts may be used if author is identified and linked. No commercial reproduction may be produced without the express permission of the author. Unless otherwise identified, photographs/images are public domain or the property of Keith Allen Lehman.
[1] From the ecclesiastical term lectionary meaning a book or listing that contains a collection of readings for Christian worship; lection is a portion or segmented part of a lectionary.