of World Religions ©
Apostle Saint Peter
little is known about Simon Peter, known as Peter in
the Gospels, as Jesus referred to him and chose to be one of his
twelve disciples, is that he was a fisherman by trade and lived in
house shared with his brother, Andrew, who also became a disciple of
Jesus and later beatified by the Roman Catholic Church.
was Andrew who discovered Jesus and who returned one day to Peter who
was fishing along the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and told Simon
Peter that he had found the Messiah,
as foretold by the prophets of the Hebrew/Greek scriptures of the Old
Testament. Upon hearing this, Simon Peter dropped his fishing net and
went to see for himself.
has been recorded, or at least survived in history, any reference to
Simon Peter's life before that time. Much of what we do know was
recorded in the Gospels of the New Testament scriptures of the
canonical Holy Bible.